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Get a head start in a competitive job market by joining the JumpStart Network while in college.   

As an undergraduate, your career search may start your freshmen year and evolve throughout the collegiate experience until your senior year. JumpStart’s Undergraduate approach includes career webinars, diversity forums, receptions, as well as access to outreach campaigns throughout the year.

JumpStart is open to students of all graduation years, all majors, and attending any U. S. accredited academic institution.

We have career tracks for Path to Finance, Path to Management Consulting, Path to STEM careers, Path to Sales & Marketing, and a Path to an MBA.

Gain exposure to fields you might not have considered; come away with a greater understanding of the terminology, culture and expectations within those industries. Make connections that can lead to internships and post-grad positions.

Our approach has focused on exposure to many industries such as financial services, management consulting, consumer product goods, technology, healthcare, energy, or the non-profit sector.

Additionally, our model has been successful in preparing candidates for specific functional careers including, but not limited to investment banking, asset management, investment management, corporate finance, investment management, private equity, and venture capital.  Separate from the finance career track, we have great history with our network in strategy & management consulting, brand & product management, general management, technology, engineering, and marketing & sales.

Take your career search to the next level by applying for participation in a JumpStart Undergraduate Diversity Forum.

Click here to learn more.