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Path2MBA Spotlight:
SMU (Cox)

Greetings From JumpStart!

Considering getting your MBA? The JumpStart Path2MBA prepares undergraduate students and working professionals to engage directly with admissions officers at our MBA program partners.

If you’re interested in receiving a quality education in a place that has ranked number one as the best city for jobs, then consider receiving your MBA from SMU’s Cox School of Business.

And for undergraduate students, Cox offers two programs for college seniors: The master of Science in Management Program and COX MBA Director.

The Master of Science in Management Program allows recent college grads to complete the credits that would be the core curriculum for the two-year MBA directly after undergraduate studies and have the option to return to pursue the MBA in one year after completion of 2 years of work experience.

Cox MBA Direct allows exceptional candidates with solid educational and professional backgrounds to begin the Cox MBA immediately after college graduation.

Join SMU MBA program admissions representatives to learn more

Path to MBA at Southern Methodist University (Cox)

Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM ET

Register Now

About Path2MBA

JumpStart’s Path2MBA is for undergraduate students and working professionals who are interested in pursuing their MBA. Through the network, you can learn about different MBA programs to find the one that fits your career aspirations as well as gain insight into financial implications and the MBA application process directly from admissions representatives.

Spots to attend our virtual forum are limited so register now for Path2MBA the sessions hosted with specific MBA programs. Click here to apply JumpStart Path2MBA Interest Survey JumpStart Path2MBA Interest Survey.

Click HERE for Path2MBA Forum Schedule and Register for other MBA program sessions.

Speaker at The Event


Vincent Phillips

Vincent Phillips is a native of Dallas, Texas, and a first-generation college graduate. He is the middle child and uncle to a rambunctious group of four. He received his undergraduate degree in social work from Texas A&M University-Commerce, where he found his love for higher education. Through his fraternity, orientation team, and campus jobs, he was drawn to the University of Arkansas for graduate school, where he studied Student Affairs. In the middle of his program, he assumed a full-time role overseeing Leadership and Late-Night programs within the New Student and Family Programs office. In 2019, Vincent took on a new role at Baylor University within New Student Programs as the Senior Coordinator of Welcome Programs. He had a short stent working at the Interfraternity Council before transitioning to Undergraduate Admissions as the Associate Director of On-Campus Recruitment. Vincent has served as the advisor for countless organizations, and mentorship is a core component of his leadership philosophy. Outside of work, Vincent serves as a Regional Coordinator of NODA, the Association for Orientation, Transition, and Retention. Vincent believes in the quote by Shirley Chisolm that “service is the rent that we pay to live on this earth”, so you can always find him serving. Currently, Vincent is the Associate Director of Full-Time MBA Admissions at SMU Cox, where he works with prospective to change their career trajectory.