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Path2MBA Spotlight:
Notre Dame (Mendoza)

Greetings From JumpStart!

Considering getting your MBA? The JumpStart Path2MBA prepares undergraduate students and working professionals to engage directly with admissions officers at our MBA program partners.

Through its Integral Leadership Development program, the Mendoza College of Business transforms its students into effective business leaders.

From the first week of your MBA experience, you uncover what kind of leader you are and the trajectory you need to take to become the leader you want to be. This intensive workshop sets the stage for your MBA career, which is guided by faculty experienced in end-to-end innovation and expertise.

Join Notre Dame MBA program admissions representatives to learn more.

Path2MBA at Notre Dame (Mendoza)

Thursday June 15, 2023 at 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM ET

Register Now

About Path2MBA

JumpStart’s Path2MBA is for undergraduate students and working professionals who are interested in pursuing their MBA. Through the network, you can learn about different MBA programs to find the one that fits your career aspirations as well as gain insight into financial implications and the MBA application process directly from admissions representatives.

Spots to attend our virtual forum are limited so register now for Path2MBA the sessions hosted with specific MBA programs. Click here to apply JumpStart Path2MBA Interest Survey.

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