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Path2MBA Spotlight: MIT Sloan School

MIT is a name recognized all around the world. Your MIT degree will open doors and create unimagined opportunities. That’s because MIT is exception, and a degree from MIT says you are, too.

If you’re a student already sold on attending MIT, consider MIT Sloan MBA Early Admission Process, which will allow you to hold your spot at MIT while you work for two to five years before you head to the home of innovation, MIT.

Join MIT Sloan MBA program admissions representatives to ask questions about the program and gain essential insight into how 85% of MBA students used their degree to change their career trajectory.

Path2MBA @ MIT Sloan
Saturday, September 12, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. ET

Register Now

About Path2MBA

JumpStart’s Path2MBA webinar series and diversity forum is for undergraduate students and working professionals who are interested in pursuing their MBA. Through the network, you can learn about different MBA programs to find the one that fits your career aspirations as well as gain insight into financial implications and the MBA application process directly from admissions representatives.

Spots to attend are limited so register now for Path2MBA the sessions hosted with specific MBA programs. Details about each session can be referenced in the Zoom description. Participation in sessions and the opportunity for 1-1 chats are ONLY available to those who have completed the Path2MBA application and were admitted, click here to apply JumpStart Path2MBA September Application.

See the full Path2MBA Virtual Forum Schedule to register for more opportunities