Phone: 1 (317) 975-1773

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Experienced Hire Diverse Talent

Gain access to a diverse talent pool of Experienced professionals with industry, functional, and technical expertise.

The JumpStart Advisory Group offers a proactive alternative to traditional diversity recruiting methodologies. Leveraging over 30 years of diversity and talent management experience of our leadership team at top tier organizations, we understand the challenges you face in the war for talent.   We work with your diversity function and recruiting teams to understand your talent needs, agree on a path forward to achieve goals, and maintain ongoing connectivity as part of managing the relationship.

Since 2004, the JumpStart Network have evolved to more than 25,000 talented diverse individuals.  Each year, 600 new members transition from our undergraduate pipeline and 700 new members graduate pipeline approach join the working professional class.  Additionally, JumpStart accepts new members to our working professional network that may not have been a part of our campus talent approach.

Click on the Experienced Hire MBA Diverse Talent button to learn more about JumpStart diversity forums, virtual options, and outreach campaigns.

Reference the details below to learn more about our Diversity Forums.   Click here to inquire with JumpStart about Experienced Hire Diverse Talent ways to engage in our diversity forums, virtual options, and outreach campaigns.