JumpStart Network,
As a follow-up to Bank of America engagement with JumpStart, we are pleased to announce Diverse Perspective in Banking in Summit – 2023
Global Corporate Investment Banking Summer Associate Program
The Diverse Perspective in Banking Summit is a one-day virtual forum that will offer first-year MBA students who identify as Black, Hispanic/Latinix, Native American, Military Veterans, LGBTQ+, students with disabilities and women the opportunity to learn more about a career in investment banking at Bank of America and how to successfully navigate the application process. While our goal is to target underrepresented groups, all eligible students regardless of background are encouraged to attend.
Date of Event: September 8, 2023, 9:00 AM EDT
To join, kindly complete this MBA Perspective Survey and register directly at MBA Diverse Perspectives in Banking Summit – 2023 – Bank of America
Please share with your network.